Edith Hall
Fellow of the British Academy
In January 2022 Edith was appointed to a Professorship in the Department of Classics and Ancient History at Durham University in the North-East of England, but travels across Britain and the world to speak about the ancient world to schools, universities, theatre companies, public events and the media.
Her specialism is ancient Greek literature, but she enjoys putting the pleasure as well as the rigour into all aspects of ancient Greek and Roman history, society, and thought.
Edith Hall
Her current research investigates ecological issues in ancient myth, epic and drama, Aristotle’s presences beyond the Academy, Aristotle’s writing styles, the afterlives of women in the Aeneid and Classics and Social Class in the North-East of England.
Edith has now published more than thirty books, broadcasts frequently on radio and television, works as consultant with professional theatres, lectures all over the world, and publishes widely in academic and mainstream journals and newspapers.
She is a world leader in the study of ethnicity, class and gender in ancient sources, of ancient theatre, and of the instrumentality of ancient ideas in world culture since the Renaissance.
She has supervised more than thirty-five PhD students on topics across her research interests and welcomes expressions of interest from potential applicants from a wide range of academic backgrounds.
Edith has held posts at Cambridge, Oxford, Durham, Reading and Royal Holloway, and visiting positions at Notre Dame, Swarthmore, Northwestern, Notre Dame, Leiden, and Erfurt.
On 22nd April 2023 Edith was delighted to be awarded the Classical Association Prize. Professor Tim Whitmarsh, Regius Chair of Greek at Cambridge, said at the ceremony that her ‘energy and determination to promote the study of the ancient world is unfailing. Her academic interests range widely from Greek theatre to Aristotle, ancient slavery to women classicists, but the one constant throughout her career, underpinning everything she does, is a commitment to making classics more accessible and inclusive’.
Edith is committed to making as much of her work freely available as possible. Click on the cover of most of these books access the text.